Thursday, February 18, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Gawain ng Tunay na Manager: maging trendy!
Recent studies suggest that in 10 to 15 years’ time various industries are said to experience a serious labor crisis which are attributed to the retirement of baby boomers, the expected business growths, and the seemingly endless process of satiating the needs and wants of the people. In the United States alone, the manufacturing industry is already experiencing a job-skill shortage primarily due to the economic recession, and with the consideration of the actuation of the aforementioned events, the question of their exacerbation with regard to the issue of a labor crisis ensuing needs to be addressed by corporations and, most importantly, the HR practitioners. (oh nose!)
Now, what can these corporations and HR do? Here are some suggestions based on the research of the TnM group:
The automated workforce
- The industrial revolution has revolutionized (no pun intended) the way we conduct business. From the steam engine to computers, innovative technology has replaced the journeyman with machines and with the fast-paced evolution of technology through research and development, having an automated workforce with little reliance on humans is greatly becoming a realizable possibility. (Thought bubble: Marx is beginning to make sense…)
Mergers and acquisitions
- Mergers and acquisitions are occasionally primarily done in order to acquire the workforce of another organization. These mergers and acquisitions can help addressing the looming labor crisis through the company’s reorganization and retrenchment due to redundancy and obsolescence of the positions in the new organization. In acquisitions, the buying organization, oftentimes, tries to forcibly mold the other organization rather than practice its approaches to business that made the acquisition other than lackluster. Furthermore, one fundamental reason as to why some mergers and acquisitions have failed is largely due to compatibility issues To prevent this, studies focusing on the compatibility between the two organizations, such as an organizational climate surveys, is in order. (thanks to Sony-Ericsson and PnB-Allied Bank)
Satisfying the needs of your workforce
- Another idea is recognizing the personal needs and wants of your employees and meeting them. Traditional businesses tend to hire people and compensate them, now this is where research and prescribed strategies in HR will come into play. Studies show that employees who are more satisfied with their jobs are more committed. What then makes the employees satisfied with their jobs? The various functions of HR can address the issues of satisfaction with their alignment. (eto nanaman tayo sa strategies…)
- Recruitment. Recruitment, which measures the would-be employees’ eligibility, future performance, and potential in the organization, should also include both the organization’s and applicant’s synergy, in terms of their values and future behaviors, through tailor-fit tools that can predict their complementary association.
- Compensation. HR managers must present compensation not in the traditional way of equal work for equal pay, rather, present it in a way that satisfies the assortment of physical, emotional, and social needs of the employees by recognizing their individual and collective contributions through an effective rewards system in addition to their pay rate. Tailor-fitting benefits, depending on the demographic, psychological, and behavioral variables of the current or potential employees, are also necessary in order to enhance the organization’s competitive advantage and promote employee retention and satisfaction. With a carefully designed compensation program, the employees will not only feel that the organization is taking care of their present needs, but they will also sense that they will have a bright future ahead of them with the help of the organization. And this will hypothetically be made manifest by their level of organizational commitment.
- Performance management and training & development. Productive employees are happy employees. That’s one research finding that concerns performance management and training & development. The data obtained from performance appraisals not only helps organizations in determining the effectiveness of their employees, it also provides the organizations the opportunity to help the employees in terms of KSA progression through training & development. Armed with the knowledge of their employees’ capabilities, organizations will be able to discern and verify their eligibility and inclusion in training programs that indirectly and directly benefits the employees and the organization, respectively. (Thought bubble #2: I’d like to do a “performance evaluation” with my performance appraisal “tool” on that secretary of yours, Mr. CEO…)
- Employee relations. Through the formalization of company policies that helps keep the workforce’s behavior in line to strategies which helps promote a harmonious relationship with the employees primarily concerns the HR function of employee relations. Conducting organizational satisfaction surveys, focus group discussions, introducing open-door policies, effective grievance machineries and other programs that concerns and addresses the employees’ well-being and satisfaction in the organization helps in pre-empting volatile situations that can prove costly for the organization from occurring. Organizations practicing excellent employee relations programs reduces the risk of turnover, absenteeism, and is an important factor in adding value to the organization’s overall competitive advantage.
- Ed’s suggestion:
- In order to address the impending labor crisis, I suggest to spike all drinks in the market with tongkat ali which boosts the need for (and endurance in) “physical interaction(s)” which greatly increases the probability of creating more people needed for the workforce and outlaw the “artificial” means of family planning on grounds of its diminution on the level of satisfaction and environmental degradation due their non-recyclability. EDI SOLB! SIMPLE!
Ben Chaleko of Culiat
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Careerism: Under Consideration
click me. CLICK ME. lick me. CLICK ME. lick me. CLICK ME. click me
If you observed carefully and pondered upon it, we can translate the negotiation and eventual partnership between the Power Rangers and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in a strategic HR sense. It is already common knowledge that the objective of the Power Rangers and the TMNT is to defeat evil wherever it is, whenever needed. And in that fight scene, we saw that the Rangers were not able to defeat their foe by themselves, they clearly needed help and, they got it in the form of talking and kicking reptiles.
Now, if we imagine and interpret everything in a strategic HR negotiation sense, we can suppose that the Power Rangers is an upstart organization (let’s name this organization as Organization A) trying to be competitive in the mobile phone industry with a larger, older, and more experienced organization.
Let’s say that the organizational objective is to create innovative and competitive products. How will they go about this, you might ask? By creating value in the individual outputs and various functions of organization such as operations, marketing, etc. wherein which we can create competitive advantage through their synergy with regard to the value chain. But let’s shift our focus to creating value through strategic Human Resource Management where we are primarily concerned. However strategic HRM does not appear out of the blue, it is created through negotiations with strategic aims.
Now, enumerated below are traditional and strategic activities, in contrast, that the HRD might do in order to support the organizational goals, in correspondent transmogrification (nosebleed) with the actions of the Power Rangers and TMNT. Also, suppose that the activities below came from the collaborative outcome of the negotiation process between Organization A and its internal and external partners/contacts.
| Traditional HR | Strategic HR |
Focus | Employee Relations | Partnership with internal & external customers |
| Ø In the Rangers’ sense: They’re just a group of kids fighting the bad guys, that’s it. How heroic. Ø In an HR sense: The Human Resource Department is just maintaining a workable relationship with their employees. | Ø In the Rangers’ & TMNT sense: They negotiated with one another and created a relationship through an ideological strategy with regard to their collective vision - puksain ang kasamaan! Ø In an HR sense: Maintaining a harmonious and synergistic relationship with the employees can be interpreted as higher job satisfaction, higher organizational commitment, higher productivity. With these in consideration, the partnership with the employees can eventually lead to customer satisfaction and loyalty. |
Initiatives | Reactive | Proactive |
| Ø In the Rangers’: The Rangers would only plan for the resolution of the current situation. They were in deep sh** this time. Ø In an HR sense: The traditional HR would try to solve the current predicament that the organization is in by getting all the people necessary to create a competitive product. | Ø In the Rangers’ & TMNT sense: They already planned ahead by teaming up. With their team, they can fight stronger enemies as compared to their previous foes. Planning and organizing, 2 out of 4! Not bad! Ø In an HR sense: Not only should the HRD hire the people necessary to create a competitive product, they should also take into consideration the alignment of the primary and support activities that would create an impact in their respective areas and their overall contribution to the attainment of the organizational goals through a greater marginal value creation. |
Key Investments | Capital & Products | People |
| Ø In the Rangers’: They depended too much on their skills. They didn’t know that they needed some kung fu sh** to (roundhouse)kick some serious a**. Ø In an HR sense: Perform basic functions of HR. | Ø In the Rangers’ & TMNT sense: Utilized the knowledge, skills and abilities (the way of the ninja) of the Turtles which complemented the Rangers’ own. Ø In an HR sense: Recruited and developed people with the potential to create more value in their respective functions and areas thus creating an impact. |
Job Design | Specialization | Teams & Flexibility |
| Ø In the Rangers: The rangers are only used to battle normal foes, but when they faced this one, they were caught off guard (naduwag) due to the foe’s prowess. Ø In an HR sense: Hire people for the current job without considering their potentials to hone their abilities to better help the organization. | Ø In the Rangers & TMNT sense: With the Rangers and Turtles teamed up, their synergistic output was greater which helped them vanquish the monster! Ø In an HR sense: The HRD can align recruitment, training and development, compensation, performance management, and employee relations to look for the right people for the job. T&D and PM can set certain criterion for potential and performance. Recruitment can source and hire the persons while compensation and ER helps retain the employees and attend to their needs. |
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Kimmy Go Donghae: Tunay na Manager

2. Kinakatakutan ng mga empleyado at nahihigitan pa ang Rule #4 ng Manifesto.
3. Malakas mang mando.
4. Sinusunod ang Atty. Domingo Reyes Jr. rule ng husto.